While I was on my way home yesterday, suddenly my eyes was opened to a particular scenario and I ended up developing a teary eyes.

Not that this scenario was new or novel but I became touchy and emotional while thinking deep about what I saw because I have nothing at my disposal to take care of the situation.

I was moved to tears sighting a woman sitting down on a concrete pavement by the road side on Wempco Road in Ogba with two children,while one of the children was sleeping,the other was seeing playing around in the open.

It was the one asleep that really moved my eyes to tears because she should be my daughter’s age.

I kept asking myself how possible for someone to be homeless or a destitute but I remember how endemic the scourge of poverty has been in this part of the world.

While some people are blessed with uncontrolled abundance,others as are held in abject poverty with no hope of knowing what next to do.

This sight simply potrays hopelessness and homelessness and it bothered me to the extreme seeing little children being a victim of such.

How can little children be exposed to this height of poverty that no one could explain.

Sleeping and playing in the open and in the cold is too extreme to behold and think about.

This is a pointer that the world we live in has not been fair to some class of people which bring it to the fact that many of us needs to do more in becoming a force of reckoning in taking care of the society st large.

Our society be needs to create more awareness about the plight of the less privileged and fashion policies that will help in driving welfarism of the homeless and hopeless as a front burner issue to the plight of the less privileged especially little children that are expected to be innocent and unexposed to the imbalance the entire world offers.

Hopelessness and homelessness are real and they are all present around us with frustration have a toil on the sanity of many people.

Few days before sighting this anomaly,it was the thought of a bubbling young lady that committed suicide that weighed me down and it was alleged that she went suicidal due to depression.

I kept asking myself how could a young mind be against herself until she took her life but experiences around made me to understand that some people have never have a day or a moment of happiness since they step on the earthly platform.

Life has proved unbearable to them from day one and they have not been able to ride above this plate of struggle and strive for a life that is better off in all ramification.

I wish many people we see the reason why we must do a bit to salvage the plight of the less privileged around us.

May God help everyone passing through one frustration or the other.

Depression and frustration are real but suicide can never be an option.

Never give in to it.

keep your head above water.

Tomorrow is bound to be better if you keep hope alive.


20th of March 2021.

Do you handle rejection in this 10 ways?

Many people who have been victims of depression and suicide have been chronicled to be people who viewed the society been against them which have been a thought that has its root and route to rejection from the society that they expected to have been a source of succor to them.




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I was inspired to put down my line of thought from the experience I had yesterday marketing my product to someone, and he rejected my proposal based on the cost of the product .While I was analyzing this encounter, I ended up encouraging myself that the fact that someone rejected my proposal does not mean that others will not accept it.


I ended up encouraging myself to move on and break other fallow land that are waiting for me.


This simply confirmed the submission made by John Paul Dejoria:

“The biggest hurdle is rejection. Any business you start, be ready for it. The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is the successful people do all the things the unsuccessful people don’t want to do. When 10 doors are slammed in your face, go to door number 11 enthusiastically, with a smile on your face.”

John Paul DeJoria



It is not an abnormality for you to expect people around you to accept or fall in alignment with your ideas, philosophies and lines of thought.


In reality, it is impossible for people around you to see things the ways you are seeing it. There is always clash of views, ideas and philosophies which is a conformation that as humans we are all created for different purpose and the fulfilment of such purpose must be carried out in a different way.


So, it is expected that a chunk of your ideas, views, concept and philosophies would be waved aside as nothing but a piece of trash.


This places a responsibility on you to develop a think skin to any form of rejection that might come on your way because in reality and in practicality, rejection is one of the channels whereby the greatness in you will emerge.



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It is when you are rejected and criticized that the understanding of the correction needed for you to become a sought out for would emerge.


It should be noted by you that:

“Every single rejection offers you a countless acceptance that will end up bringing out the best in you”.


Hence, the need to understand the solution to any form of rejection is needed.


So, the question is:


How do you handle rejection?

1.Expect little from people.

2.Always expect disappointment.

3.Encourage yourself all the time.

4.Be conscious of your personality

5.Improve on yourself.

6.Be inspired all the time.

7.Do not give in to negative thought.

8.Stay away from wrong company.

9.Believe in yourself and break fallow grounds.

10.Be a light to others because you become what you want others to become.


In conclusion, there is need for you to be the one to bring out the best in you in life because it is only few people that is interested in you being better in your desire to get fulfilled in life.


No doubt about it, there will be down moments but you should not allow situation around you to put you down. Anytime, you are down, always encourage yourself to rise up and overcome whatever puts you down.






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