MLST ENTERTAINMENT:Two bands become one:Backstreet Boys dress up as Spice Girls


On a cruise night called Party Like It’s 1993, the group performed some of the girl band’s greatest hits – including Wannabe.


For more on this:


Kindly follow this link:




Sky News






#Spice girls#





MLST ENTERTAINMENT:Rapper Dr Dre loses trademark battle with gyneacologist Dr Drai

Dr Drai, a TV gynaecologist, says he doesn’t want to be linked to the rapper as his lyrics are “offensive” to women he works with.


For more details:


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Sky News




#Dr Dre#


#Dr Drai#





MLST NEWS:Vatican treasurer facing sex abuse trial in Australia.—(3 Minutes Read).

Cardinal Pell, who denies the charges, is the highest-ranked Catholic ever to be sent to trial over historic sex offences.

Cardinal Pell will face at least one charge of sexual abuse
Image:Cardinal Pell will face at least one charge of sexual abuse


The man in charge of the Vatican’s finances is to face sex abuse charges in Australia.


Cardinal George Pell is the most senior Catholic Church official to be charged with such offences, which relate to his time as a priest and bishop in Australia.


Following a month-long pre-trial hearing, magistrate Belinda Wallington ruled that some of the historical allegations against the 76-year-old should be tested in court.


Cardinal Pell has pleaded not guilty to the charges.


He will next appear in court on Wednesday in Melbourne. He is facing at least one charge after being accused of sexually abusing multiple victims decades ago.


The prosecution alleged during the pre-trial hearing that Cardinal Pell’s offences took place at a swimming pool and a cinema in Victoria state, a church and other locations.


His lawyer, Robert Richter, argued there was no evidence to support the charges against his client.


In 2016 an Australian Royal Commission accused Cardinal Pell of mishandling misconduct cases against clergy members while he served as the leader of the Archdioceses of Melbourne and Sydney.




Published on 06:16, UK,Tuesday 01 May 2018.













MLST ENTERTAINMENT:Ariana Grande recalls Manchester bombing,holds back tears in first TV interview since attack.


Check this via:




Bryan Llenas reports on the star-studded benefit concert






#Ariana Grande#





MLST SPORT:FIFA president Gianni Infantino proposes a mini-world cup.

Check it out on this link:
















MLST NEWS:Malaysia’s Mahathir Mohamad on course to be the world’s oldest elected leader.

Mahathir Mohamad is on course to become the world’s oldest elected leader at 92, after a shock victory in Malaysia’s bitterly fought election.


For more on this:


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#Mahathir Mohamad#

MLST ARTICLE:What is the desire of everyone?

Good relationship is the desire of everyone on the surface of the earth.It is of necessity for everyone who desire to become better to find one or build one.Though,getting one good relationship is an arduous task in this present age but when you find one,there is a need to keep it,groom it and nurture it with all that is needed as a contribution to make it workable. 

Despite the smoothness of any relationship,it can never be separated from crises that has to do with deceit,distrust,fight and grudges that always have its root cause in treating any of the parties involved with levity and laxity.


This always put a question mark on the understanding of the essence of what such relationship is focused on.While the focus of many relationship is all about deceit having its nucleus in centred around being squalid,others have there nucleus around its essence been platonic.


No matter how beautiful and interesting any kind of relationship might be,there is always a trial season whereby questions that has to do with the necessity for its main essentials would be asked whether theoretically or practically.


Often times than none,parties involved failed when the realities of what makes a relationship successful started asking questions practically.


These moments of trials and travails always shows its ugly face in the form of backstabbing and annoyance that are powerful enough to the extent that such relationship would end up hitting the rock with no one who could amend whatever might have gone wrong especially when the parties involved are immature and are egocentric in nature.


Egos and immaturity maims relationship.They are clog in the wheels of any relationship and the venom of these ‘twos’ have been what is responsible for the scarcity,dearth and death of good relationship bedevilling the existence of humanity.


In the course of any moment of trial in any relationship,forgiveness and the focusing on the good old days of such relationship is the way out but it is only somebody that possesses a mature mindset that can understand that we are created to relate with ourselves with no string attached to.


It is immaturity and ego that makes anyone to invest resources into a relationship for so many years and within a twinkling of an eye such a relationship would be trashed and truncated.


As long as any of the parties involved is ready to seek for redress and forgiveness,such relationship is bound to become better but in a situation whereby the parties involved see no reason for seek for forgiveness that is sincerely done,such party or person could be described as immature.


Edifices are built with many hands not with a single hand.Anyone who desire and determine to build a successful life that is meaningful in context and content needs to build a good relationship that has credence for value-addition and credibility for virtue addition.


The essentials of maintaining good relationship are:


1.Good communication.

Anyone who find it difficult to offer these essentials in any relationship should not bother to start one so that the feelings of other party will not be hurt.


In conclusion,it is necessary for us to know that the beauty of humanity emerges in this world when everyone walking on the surface of the earth has the deep understanding that we can only get better when we do it together.


Your betterment emerges in togetherness.


Let’s do it together in order to get better.


Will you ?









#Personal Articles#






MLST ARTICLE:What is the desire of everyone?

Good relationship is the desire of everyone on the surface of the earth.It is of necessity for everyone who desire to become better to find one or build one.Though,getting one good relationship is an arduous task in this present age but when you find one,there is a need to keep it,groom it and nurture it with all that is needed as a contribution to make it workable.


Despite the smoothness of any relationship,it can never be separated from crises that has to do with deceit,distrust,fight and grudges that always have its root cause in treating any of the parties involved with levity and laxity.


This always put a question mark on the understanding of the essence of what such relationship is focused on.While the focus of many relationship is all about deceit having its nucleus in centred around being squalid,others have there nucleus around its essence been platonic.


No matter how beautiful and interesting any kind of relationship might be,there is always a trial season whereby questions that has to do with the necessity for its main essentials would be asked whether theoretically or practically.


Often times than none,parties involved failed when the realities of what makes a relationship successful started asking questions practically.


These moments of trials and travails always shows its ugly face in the form of backstabbing and annoyance that are powerful enough to the extent that such relationship would end up hitting the rock with no one who could amend whatever might have gone wrong especially when the parties involved are immature and are egocentric in nature.


Egos and immaturity maims relationship.They are clog in the wheels of any relationship and the venom of these ‘twos’ have been what is responsible for the scarcity,dearth and death of good relationship bedevilling the existence of humanity.


In the course of any moment of trial in any relationship,forgiveness and the focusing on the good old days of such relationship is the way out but it is only somebody that possesses a mature mindset that can understand that we are created to relate with ourselves with no string attached to.


It is immaturity and ego that makes anyone to invest resources into a relationship for so many years and within a twinkling of an eye such a relationship would be trashed and truncated.


As long as any of the parties involved is ready to seek for redress and forgiveness,such relationship is bound to become better but in a situation whereby the parties involved see no reason for seek for forgiveness that is sincerely done,such party or person could be described as immature.


Edifices are built with many hands not with a single hand.Anyone who desire and determine to build a successful life that is meaningful in context and content needs to build a good relationship that has credence for value-addition and credibility for virtue addition.


The essentials of maintaining good relationship are:


1.Good communication.

Anyone who find it difficult to offer these essentials in any relationship should not bother to start one so that the feelings of other party will not be hurt.


In conclusion,it is necessary for us to know that the beauty of humanity emerges in this world when everyone walking on the surface of the earth has the deep understanding that we can only get better when we do it together.


Your betterment emerges in togetherness.


Let’s do it together in order to get better.


Will you ?









#Personal Articles#







The recent happennings overwhelming the entire human race made someone to have a critical perspective and look about what could have been the reason and rationale  behind  a teenager going to the extreme in taking up to arms and ammunitions that ended up being used in commiting crimes and vices.


The rate at which youth of this generation are having their hands and palms being soiled and stained with blood is quite alarming,appalling and disheartning.


Good Parenting 3



A situation whereby seventeen innocent lifes were lost to the cold hand of death recently which was orchestrated by a 19-year-old boy is an issue that is quite unacceptable and unexpected and it will remain a burden in the mind of anyone who has a right conscience that is still sensitive and proactively functioning.


The alarming rate at which social vices is eating up the fabrics of the entire human society is something that no one should shy away from.It has become a kind of reality that is quite difficult to dodge because of the depth of its effect on the entire human society.


In a bid to have an indepth knowledge about what could have been the missing link, it is imperative and important for someone to look extensively into an aspect of human existence that could have been a major contributory factor  responsible in making a murder and a criminal out of a 19-year -old teenager.


Besides the recent mass-shooting that occured in Parkland Schools in Florida in the United States of America,many evil and criminalities has been chronicled to be perpetrated by the millenia and it is on increase without any control.


The contributory factor that is making a major impact in fanning the amber of criminality and vices could be traced to the inability of the society to understand the concept of parenting and the lack of adequate knowledge about the essentials of parenting.


This has constituted a clog in the desire of humanity in achieving an all encompassing human capital development that is buoyant and flexible enough to entrench and establish a form of societal development that will cut across every facets of human endeavour.


If the concept of good parenting is maximized properly, it would have been a good avenue and a good channel whereby humanity would have evolved into a kind a maturity that will be viable enough to proffer full development of human mind to the extent that everyone living will be able to understand that hatred and every trace of it is not in any way necessary for anyone to achieve any form of desire.


As the family is known as the microcosym of the society; and  as it is also known as the greatest masterpiece God gave to humanity for continuity accompanied with the establishment and entrenchment of virtues and trainings that will trigger the emergence of a complete and total human being,it is of essence to note that  the desire for  a good family remain impossible without the desire for good parenting which if maximized appropriately will be viable enough to build a good society that will contribute to the development of a complete human being having good deeds as a trademark.


The absence of good parenting and the total relegation of parenting that is good in all concept and context is the main reason whereby the entire human society has been thrown into a kind of topsy-turvy exhibited in terms of confusion that is being experienced at this moment with many people being caught unaware in the midst of this confusion.




1.Good Parenting is a necessity for a peaceful society that will end up being a raw material in building an eggalitarian society.


2.Good Parenting contributes immensely in human development that will be a good source of addition in making every human a useful tool that will help in societal development.


3.Good Parenting remains one of the basic and vital antidote in developing human beings that will have a mind free of criminalities and vices.


4.Good Parenting contributes immensely in building a responsive and a responsible generation of young minds that believes in evolution rather than revolution.


5.Good Parenting offers help in building a society through the contributions of young minds that will believe in innovation and intuitions that will be necessary in total development of human society.


Good Parening


In conclusion,if the scope of good parenting becomes the aspiration of all and sundry in the society, it will become very easy for the human society to evolve to the point whereby vices and criminalities will n be  less attractive and meaningful to the millenia and the thought of fanning the amber of hatred that will culminate into murder will be fizzle out gradually in the process of time.


Every human that will make a head way in being a complete and resourceful in the course of existential on earthly pedestal needs a good guildance and  and a complete counselling from the progenitors so that  posterity will be added to .



Good Parenting—The only way out to the alarming crimes and vices being committed and perpertrated by the millenia.















The recent happennings overwhelming the entire human race made someone to have a critical perspective and look about what could have been the reason and rationale  behind  a teenager going to the extreme in taking up to arms and ammunitions that ended up being used in commiting crimes and vices.


The rate at which youth of this generation are having their hands and palms being soiled and stained with blood is quite alarming,appalling and disheartning.


Good Parenting 3



A situation whereby seventeen innocent lifes were lost to the cold hand of death recently which was orchestrated by a 19-year-old boy is an issue that is quite unacceptable and unexpected and it will remain a burden in the mind of anyone who has a right conscience that is still sensitive and proactively functioning.


The alarming rate at which social vices is eating up the fabrics of the entire human society is something that no one should shy away from.It has become a kind of reality that is quite difficult to dodge because of the depth of its effect on the entire human society.


In a bid to have an indepth knowledge about what could have been the missing link, it is imperative and important for someone to look extensively into an aspect of human existence that could have been a major contributory factor  responsible in making a murder and a criminal out of a 19-year -old teenager.


Besides the recent mass-shooting that occured in Parkland Schools in Florida in the United States of America,many evil and criminalities has been chronicled to be perpetrated by the millenia and it is on increase without any control.


The contributory factor that is making a major impact in fanning the amber of criminality and vices could be traced to the inability of the society to understand the concept of parenting and the lack of adequate knowledge about the essentials of parenting.


This has constituted a clog in the desire of humanity in achieving an all encompassing human capital development that is buoyant and flexible enough to entrench and establish a form of societal development that will cut across every facets of human endeavour.


If the concept of good parenting is maximized properly, it would have been a good avenue and a good channel whereby humanity would have evolved into a kind a maturity that will be viable enough to proffer full development of human mind to the extent that everyone living will be able to understand that hatred and every trace of it is not in any way necessary for anyone to achieve any form of desire.


As the family is known as the microcosym of the society; and  as it is also known as the greatest masterpiece God gave to humanity for continuity accompanied with the establishment and entrenchment of virtues and trainings that will trigger the emergence of a complete and total human being,it is of essence to note that  the desire for  a good family remain impossible without the desire for good parenting which if maximized appropriately will be viable enough to build a good society that will contribute to the development of a complete human being having good deeds as a trademark.


The absence of good parenting and the total relegation of parenting that is good in all concept and context is the main reason whereby the entire human society has been thrown into a kind of topsy-turvy exhibited in terms of confusion that is being experienced at this moment with many people being caught unaware in the midst of this confusion.




1.Good Parenting is a necessity for a peaceful society that will end up being a raw material in building an eggalitarian society.


2.Good Parenting contributes immensely in human development that will be a good source of addition in making every human a useful tool that will help in societal development.


3.Good Parenting remains one of the basic and vital antidote in developing human beings that will have a mind free of criminalities and vices.


4.Good Parenting contributes immensely in building a responsive and a responsible generation of young minds that believes in evolution rather than revolution.


5.Good Parenting offers help in building a society through the contributions of young minds that will believe in innovation and intuitions that will be necessary in total development of human society.


Good Parening


In conclusion,if the scope of good parenting becomes the aspiration of all and sundry in the society, it will become very easy for the human society to evolve to the point whereby vices and criminalities will n be  less attractive and meaningful to the millenia and the thought of fanning the amber of hatred that will culminate into murder will be fizzle out gradually in the process of time.


Every human that will make a head way in being a complete and resourceful in the course of existential on earthly pedestal needs a good guildance and  and a complete counselling from the progenitors so that  posterity will be added to .



Good Parenting—The only way out to the alarming crimes and vices being committed and perpertrated by the millenia.















The introductory portion of this particular publication was posted on facebook on the 9th of January 2017.I read through it recently and I discovered it will serve the purpose of being an addition to the spiritual growth of my readers, viewers and followers in one way or the other.


It goes thus:


When you loose your tune with God, you will end up loosing your turn with men.Immortality through mortality is enhanced when you maintain continuous connectivity with divinity.It is only those who can lean down before God that will rise up strong with men.


Reflecting the attitude of divinity and displaying the attributes of eternity is possible and could be enhanced when your knowledge about the demands of spending sternity with God while on earth is continuosly and constantly sought for accompanied with efforts to have deeper conscious spiritual knowledge about God and His ways.


Your thirst and yearnings for the beauty of divinity and the reality of eternity while on earth make men seek your attention concerning every affair of life because the spiritual has the midas touch of turning whatever is present and available in the physical to a source of help and a source of hope for anyone who believed that the spiritual superceed the physical in all ramification.


The possibility of the emergence of the glory of God in your life is strictly through your connectivity with divinity.No one radiates and reflects God’s purpose for humanity without any knowledge about divinity and it is the consciousness of your relationship with the concepts of spirituality that enhances the establishment of divine enablement and spiritual empowerment necessary to tackle and efface the myriads of challenges being faced by the entire mankind presently and in the years to come.



No doubt about it,knowledge is power and power is synonymous in all concepts and contexts to power.The versatility and the vastness of your knowledge about divinity through the word of God is the solution to all challenges bedevilling humanity.Hence,the necessity to have a deep knowledge about divinity through God is of essence and it is a demand and a desire placed as a responsibility and a duty on all humans who are ready to make an impact and an impart in the course of their existence on earth.It is essentially valuable and it should not be traded with anything present in this earthly pedestal that we are all occupying.


Once, your knowledge about God is vast and fertile, the opportunity to become great and live a meaningful life becomes cheap,easy and achievable.


Knowledge about divinity through God is essential for the emergence and fulfilment of God’s purpose for every human on the surface of earth.


Hence,there is a need to understand ways by which knowledge about divinity through God can be enhanced which will invariably have a positive influence on your relationship with God.


Your relationship with God is the most valuable and essential  undertaken that should be guided, enhanced and maintained which will invariably have a positive influence on your relationship with God.




Our relationship with God is the most essential personal endeavour that should be engineered in a manner that God becomes everything to you if you are to live at the centre of your plan and purpose of God for your life while you are existing now and in the life to come which is eternity.


Hence, the need to highlight some cogent scriptural bullets that will boost and enhance the maintenance of your relationship with God.


These are:

  • Fasting and Prayer—-Mark 9 vs 29 KJV.
  • Holiness and righteousness—-Hebrew 12 vs 24 KJV,Proverb 14 vs 34 KJV.
  • Faith—Mark 11 vs 24 KJV,Romans 10 vs 10 KJV,Hebrew 11 vs 1 KJV.
  • Giving—Proverb 11 vs 25 KJV,Proverbs 3 vs 27 KJV.
  • Obeying the commandments of God—Deutronomy 28 vs 1-68 KJV.
  • Meditating on the Word of God—Joshua 1 vs 8 KJV.




With these and all other ones not highlighted in the course of this publication,any child of God who craves for a deeper relationship with God must maximize all these as a viable means which could enhance optimally the vastness and the viability of the knowledge of divinity as it is chronicled expressly and simply in the scripture.



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#Commandments of God#










©Wordsmith Scribe 2018.


©Fadeyi Felix Femi.

THE INDIGENT—(2 Minutes Read)

While we are in need,there is a need to meet the needs of others.While we are enshrined in abject poverty,there is a need to champion a course that will alleviate and banish poverty in our society.While we are stagnant,there is a need to champion a course that will uplift and upgrade the course of humanity.



Whether yo are among the haves,

Whether you are among the have-not,

Whether you are among the high and the mighty,

Whether you are among the low and the indigents,


You have a responsibility to be responsible and responsive to the wallowing and harrowing of the next person beside you.


You have a title to contribute to the alleviate and salvage the world from extreme penury.


The world need your contribution in restoring the dignity of all human by uplifting and upgrading the downtrodden from the miry clay of despair,hopelessness and confusion.



Giving is living.We live forever when we build eternity in the test of time while we are alive.




It is your responsibility to build a responsible world that has its core value in being a shoulder to other around you.


Many people need a shoulder to rest upon,many need a pillow to rest on and many need a pillar that will lift them up when they are down.


Like never before,your impact is needed.

Like never before, your impart is needed.

Your indifference in upgrading the plight of others make you to be part of the challenges pummeling the world .

Be a solution.


Be active in changing the course of humanity with your little effort.


Little efforts puts little smile on the face of others.












MLST NEWS:Noura Hussein:Sudanese teenager sentenced to death for ‘killing husband after he raped her’ should be pardoned,says campaigners

Supporters say she was forced into child marriage and acted in self-defence


For more on this:


Follow this link:












I was on transit recently in a bus one beautiful morning and there was this young man who sat just close to me.He started a converstaion and we got talking in the course of the long journey.He obviously was an extrovert, so it wasn’t difficult for him to pick up a chat.


Somehow I got to know he was thirty-three years old sometimes after that day.He was keeping my company with all his gists.


And then, he asked me about what I am doing for a living.Gladly,I told him what I was into at first and then smiled with greater hope for years to come.


Suddenly,he kept mute and his countenance changed and went down.




You aren’t saying anything….I said.


He took a deep breath and sighed…


Hmmm….could this be what people refer to as “enemy of progress”.I thought.


But he doesn’t know me,I pondered.


It was glaring that something was wrong at that point.I needed not a soothsayers to tell me.


But I chose to keep quiet.Then I turned to the window side and avoided anymore talk.


Few minutes after I turned, he called for my attention, and then he later opened up to me that he was frustrated with his career choice.He made it clear that where he was at that point was as a wrong decision made back in high school by trying to be where his friends and colleagues were or doing what they wanted.


According to him,he wasn’t satisfied, he was struggling with such inner pain and the height of it all was that he had just made a decision to start all over again from sciences to arts and humanities.


Of course, it’s never too late to right the wrong but then, time is no man’s friend.He missed out at the early stage.


At this juncture, I want you to look at yourself deeply,check your life in the mirror of the path you are treading on and ask yourself these questions:


Am I fulfilled?

Am I happy with the choices I made?

Can I stand alone without trying to bank on people in this journey where I am towing?


I really need you to take a pause and answer these questions wholeheartedly without deceit and with a clear conscience.


If your answer is positive, I congratulate you.


If your answer is negative, I really also appreciate your sincerity and then I asked that you paused, ponder and have a rethink on the danger of following someone’s else’s dream.


There is one thing you should understand,which is,there is only one ‘you’ and you were born,made and wired for a specific purpose.


People, friends and familiars might laugh at you while you are moving on your path but you must understand that all jesting and mockery would only be for a season that would end up fizzling out when the result begins to manifest.


You were not born to be like everybody or someone else.You are unique and special.


Now tell me,what would be unique about you if your life was exactly like someone else or you do exactly what every of your friends do?


The specialty and uniqueness in you was set to affect someone’s life or even a large number of people.


In my days in high school, there was this notion about those in the arts department which is somehow negative,It was about art students not being intelligent and smart pupils are meant for science and technical departments.


There were conflicts within me.I knew I had an inbuilt affinity for arts naturally but then I never wanted to be recokned with anything that has to do with being tagged, counted and called a dull or an unintelligent student.


Fortunately for me,I thank goodness for sending my then English Language teacher who came at the right time and whispered a seemingly light but then strong word to me.He said,’it is better to be where you can be at your best than to be where you might end up being confused’.


And today,with a glad heart,I can proudly say that Art is life.I would have been less relevant if I had gone my way because of what people think or what people would say.




I have mentors–People I looked up or admire their lifestyle but that doesn’t neccessarily mean that I have to be like them.I can only emulate some attributes, values and virtues that sustained them in their journey to be whom I was meant to be.


In other words, it is not wrong for you to have mentors, as a matter of fact having a mentor challenges you to greater and lofty heights but you must put on that mentality of wanting to be better than your mentor by reaching for more higher grounds.


This does not come easily by mere wishes or wishful-thinking, it comes by extra responsibilities, sacrifices,selflessness,commitment,dedication and responsiveness.


Being succesful entails doing more to get more.It comes as an outcome of discipline that is incomparable in terms of dedication, diligence and commitment.


When you find yourself on the right path, there is a kind of easiness, candour, calmness and self-fulfilment that accompany such.


It is when your purpose is discovered and when it is followed strictly that the essence of your existence becomes achievable.


To make personal discovery demands personal investment in terms of personal development that entails soul searching  fashioned towards understanding your area of strength and your area of weakness which is one of the focal points of what SWOT ANALYSIS entails.


SWOT ANALYSIS simply entails identification of internal strength and weaknesses as well as external opportunities and threat.


The benefit of SWOT ANALYSIS is to make you to understand the essence of taking personal responsibilities that will birth self discovery fashioned towards self development wrapped with continous and periodic self appraisal that will aid the total development of the entirety of any human life.


The best you can do for yourself in the course of your existence is for you to stop running after another person’s dream and make sure you run after your own dreams until it becomes handy and a subject of practical reality that will be dynamic and flexible enough to entertain and accommodate others who are yet to understand what it takes to run after personal dreams in the course of earthly existence.


As it is, we are all created, designed and wired to deliver a message to the world in the course of our exitence on earth but it is pitiful that it is only few people that are prepared and have what it takes to deliver the message before the curtain of their existence on earth is drawn.


In conclusion, your best is reserved for that moment you are able to define your path and you are able to walk on it without being distracted with what people might end up saying about the path you decided to take.



**Special thanks to Onyekwere Joy Ify— for sending part of this article to me for editing and also allowing me to publish it .


















MLST ENTERTAINMENT:Ariana Grande on Manchester attack:’It’s still so heavy on my heart’

The singer who was performing when a terrorist killed 22 people in Manchester says she wishes “there was more that I could fix”.


For more details:


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#Ariana Grande#

MLST ARTICLE:How do you relate with God?—(10 Minutes Read).

The limit you placed on your knowledge and understanding of God with all that is needed to have and maintained a smooth personal relationship with God placed a limit on your life at any moment in time.


While our understanding of God and all that pertains to HIM confirms our place and position in divinity,our practical knowledge of what it takes to be in the right and appropriate level in the spiritual defines our comfort and convenience in maintaining a relationship with God without any clog and without any thought of whether what we are targetting in the spiritual in terms of knowing HIM better is right or wrong.


It should be noted as a form of observation that many christians claiming to be in the right relationship with God have a baseless understanding that has no bearing with what is chronicled on the pages of the scripture.Many christians now believed to a large extent that there service with God in the household of God is what is necessary for them to attain a spiritual realm that the world will reference or recognized.


So, they go all their ways in running after physical service in the household of God while anything that pertains to what is necessary to make our world better in the physical is wave with a bare hand.


They become less concerned and less committed in ensuring that any service to God must not stand in the gap or block service to humanity.We are human first before we discover our path of reliogisity and spirituality.


No one should run after the things of God without any reason to run after things that will make the essence of humanity to be established on the surface of heart.




Many Christians of today only believed that God recognizes and rewards approaches that is targetted towards building religious empires and edifices but forget that the only thing that will make the world we live in to become better is when we all go to the extreme in making sure that legacies, ideas and philosophies that will build an eggalitarian society that believes in the beauty of humanity must be enhanced and reflected in terms of innovations, discoveries and development.


A situation whereby your desire and longing for spiritual development is raised far higher than your desire and demand to become better in the realm of the physical will only encourage the emergence of an imbalance in the totality of your existence.


There is a need for christians of today to understand that until their relationship with God is based on ‘father-to -son’ relationship,their struggle to attain a stress- free spiritual state of mind will remain a mirage.Christians of this age should stop relating with God as slaves because we are all called to sonship.Our call to salvation is not for bondage and total enslavement.


Hear this:


Romans 8 verse 15(KJV):


“For ye have not received the Spirit of bondage again to fear;but ye

have recieved the Spirit of adoption,whereby we cry,Abba,Father.”


Salvation has empowered everyone that is ready to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour to be saved and received the Spirit of adoption that destroy in totality the spirit of bondage the devil and sin forced on the entire human race when Adam and Eve disobeyed the commandment of God in the garden of Eden.


In line with this,it is a wrong understanding that emenated from wrong knowledge of the word of God that many christians in the world today are displaying and they always believe that they are doing the right thing.


I have seen many Christians in reality and in practicality that once they missed a particular church service or any spiritual obligations and demands, they believed that they have backslided and sinned against God forgetting that whatever they do in the physical at any point in time in a direct link to the fulfilment of the will of God on earth as it is in heaven once it is a good deed that will add to humanity and entrenced human development on earth.


With this, many Chritians could be described to a large extent as being religious but their spirituality is nothing but a display of lack of essential knowledge neccessary to pass the message of the cross to the entrire human race.


Our God is good and He desire that we are able to understand Him better so that our relationship with Him will be free of stress at any point in time.


In many cases on earthly pedestal, as our relatonship with our earthly parents are always expected to be free and cordial, so also our relationship with our heavenly father is expected to be free.


Genuine followership with God is not about any form of struggle but it finds expression in smoth cordial relationship that resembles a kind of ‘father-to-son’relationship whereby your accessibility with God or whatever God’s plan for you might be will be achieved without a medium.


It should be expressed only by the fervency of your communication with God which is described as prayer.This is the only communication link that God desire every genuine child of God must maintained and it must be carried out with all fervency and seriuosness better garnished with fasting,meditation and constant feeding on the word of God.


salvation 2


Feeding on the word of God is essentially necessary for maintaining a spiritual developmental realm that will enhance smooth flow of instructions and messages from the throne of Grace which is the realm that God desired that every child of God should get to in the course of their spiritual journey on earth.


The purpose of salvation is expressly defined when we understand that Jesus Christ died on the mount of Calvary for every Child of God to maintain a ‘father-to-son’relationship in the course of their sojourn on earth.


This becomes a reality only if every child of God is ready in all their passion to build better spiritual relationship that focusses on God as a father but not as a master.


This becomes fulfilled when every child of God focusses on themselves a sons and daughters of God but not as slaves as other religion actually believed.


In conclusion,


How do you relate with God?


Is it in knowledge, wisdom and understanding?—Proverbs 4 verse 6-7


Or is it in doctrine and all round philosophies of men?—Colosians 2 verse 8










#Personal articles and writing#





Fly with me photo  by Mohammed Nohassi on Unsplash



Cross, astronomy and astrophotograph by phil thep on unsplash

Photo by Shelby Miller



MLST ARTICLE:How do you relate with God?—(10 Minutes Read).

The limit you placed on your knowledge and understanding of God with all that is needed to have and maintained a smooth personal relationship with God placed a limit on your life at any moment in time.


While our understanding of God and all that pertains to HIM confirms our place and position in divinity,our practical knowledge of what it takes to be in the right and appropriate level in the spiritual defines our comfort and convenience in maintaining a relationship with God without any clog and without any thought of whether what we are targetting in the spiritual in terms of knowing HIM better is right or wrong.


It should be noted as a form of observation that many christians claiming to be in the right relationship with God have a baseless understanding that has no bearing with what is chronicled on the pages of the scripture.Many christians now believed to a large extent that there service with God in the household of God is what is necessary for them to attain a spiritual realm that the world will reference or recognized.


So, they go all their ways in running after physical service in the household of God while anything that pertains to what is necessary to make our world better in the physical is wave with a bare hand.


They become less concerned and less committed in ensuring that any service to God must not stand in the gap or block service to humanity.We are human first before we discover our path of reliogisity and spirituality.


No one should run after the things of God without any reason to run after things that will make the essence of humanity to be established on the surface of heart.




Many Christians of today only believed that God recognizes and rewards approaches that is targetted towards building religious empires and edifices but forget that the only thing that will make the world we live in to become better is when we all go to the extreme in making sure that legacies, ideas and philosophies that will build an eggalitarian society that believes in the beauty of humanity must be enhanced and reflected in terms of innovations, discoveries and development.


A situation whereby your desire and longing for spiritual development is raised far higher than your desire and demand to become better in the realm of the physical will only encourage the emergence of an imbalance in the totality of your existence.


There is a need for christians of today to understand that until their relationship with God is based on ‘father-to -son’ relationship,their struggle to attain a stress- free spiritual state of mind will remain a mirage.Christians of this age should stop relating with God as slaves because we are all called to sonship.Our call to salvation is not for bondage and total enslavement.


Hear this:


Romans 8 verse 15(KJV):


“For ye have not received the Spirit of bondage again to fear;but ye

have recieved the Spirit of adoption,whereby we cry,Abba,Father.”


Salvation has empowered everyone that is ready to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour to be saved and received the Spirit of adoption that destroy in totality the spirit of bondage the devil and sin forced on the entire human race when Adam and Eve disobeyed the commandment of God in the garden of Eden.


In line with this,it is a wrong understanding that emenated from wrong knowledge of the word of God that many christians in the world today are displaying and they always believe that they are doing the right thing.


I have seen many Christians in reality and in practicality that once they missed a particular church service or any spiritual obligations and demands, they believed that they have backslided and sinned against God forgetting that whatever they do in the physical at any point in time in a direct link to the fulfilment of the will of God on earth as it is in heaven once it is a good deed that will add to humanity and entrenced human development on earth.


With this, many Chritians could be described to a large extent as being religious but their spirituality is nothing but a display of lack of essential knowledge neccessary to pass the message of the cross to the entrire human race.


Our God is good and He desire that we are able to understand Him better so that our relationship with Him will be free of stress at any point in time.


In many cases on earthly pedestal, as our relatonship with our earthly parents are always expected to be free and cordial, so also our relationship with our heavenly father is expected to be free.


Genuine followership with God is not about any form of struggle but it finds expression in smoth cordial relationship that resembles a kind of ‘father-to-son’relationship whereby your accessibility with God or whatever God’s plan for you might be will be achieved without a medium.


It should be expressed only by the fervency of your communication with God which is described as prayer.This is the only communication link that God desire every genuine child of God must maintained and it must be carried out with all fervency and seriuosness better garnished with fasting,meditation and constant feeding on the word of God.


salvation 2


Feeding on the word of God is essentially necessary for maintaining a spiritual developmental realm that will enhance smooth flow of instructions and messages from the throne of Grace which is the realm that God desired that every child of God should get to in the course of their spiritual journey on earth.


The purpose of salvation is expressly defined when we understand that Jesus Christ died on the mount of Calvary for every Child of God to maintain a ‘father-to-son’relationship in the course of their sojourn on earth.


This becomes a reality only if every child of God is ready in all their passion to build better spiritual relationship that focusses on God as a father but not as a master.


This becomes fulfilled when every child of God focusses on themselves a sons and daughters of God but not as slaves as other religion actually believed.


In conclusion,


How do you relate with God?


Is it in knowledge, wisdom and understanding?—Proverbs 4 verse 6-7


Or is it in doctrine and all round philosophies of men?—Colosians 2 verse 8










#Personal articles and writing#





Fly with me photo  by Mohammed Nohassi on Unsplash



Cross, astronomy and astrophotograph by phil thep on unsplash

Photo by Shelby Miller