Emotions have been high and overflowing since the reality of slave trade popped up and splashed on our faces across the length and breadth of the entire world with everyone lending voice talking against the extremism and babarism that is quite unacceptable,unexpected and appalling with no excuse that is strong enough to be tendered as the rationle behind the ressurgence of this form of inhumanity.


Slave trade in Libya as it is presently is akin in all ramifications and descriptions to the tale of two desperados who are hell bent in making landmark effect in the course of their existence.The two actors or players are extremely desperate in their approach and understanding about the essence and purpose of human existence on earth.


The captive decided to run away and dodge abysmal harsh and unfriendly realities obtainable in the geographical space and entity tagged Nigeria or other African countries while the captor is ready to maximize the opportunity of a failed state being experienced in Libya after the strongman of Libya–Ghaddafi was succesfully overthrown,deposed and killed by the NATO invasion in 2011.The aftermath effect of this invasion brought Libya down into a state whereby human right abuse is the order of the day till this present moment.


This is a one million dollar question that needs to be carefully answered and clarified but deep critical analysis of the situation on ground concerning the ressurgence and ressurection of slave trade in Libya shows that nobody should be blamed rather  the society must be forced to swallow the bitter pill of carrying the brunch of the blame of producing leaders that lacked the understanding of the major neccessities that will help in building an eggalitarian society that can promote the essence and purpose of humanity whereby a gradual process of developing a class-less society is the main thing.


The blame and the shame of this incongruous and bastard act is on the entire society that made and mould the captive to believe that embarking on a journey to the land of the unknown for greener pasture is the only solution to their economic woes and abject poverty.


The blame and the shame of this inhumane act should be placed on the society for producing captors who believe in maximizing the reality of a failed state in Libya to fan the amber of apartheid and build walls of racial discrimination against black skinned in order to fetter the nest of maintaining a class in the society.


It is unnecessary and needless discussing Libya now because all around us is the presence of a task master that are good in promoting inhumanity and apartheid that is in existence in many shades and forms.

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Slavery has always been with us in different shades and colours which is as a result of a failed society where man’s inhumanity to man is not regarded as a crime.A society where evil is exalted over goodness,where indolence is not penalised,where merit is trampled upon by mediocrity.A society with foreign tastes and consumptive tendencies that puts vain possessions over human lifes.A society with docile cowards and megalomaniacs.


What a shame!!!

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“What can we call a governor that failed in paying workers salary over a long period of time without any tangible reason that is humanly acceptable by any standard?”


“What name can we give to an employer of labour that ought to release the renumeration of his or her teeming workers but decided to hold it without any reason?”

“What can we say about spouses that are good in hurling eveective,insults and domestic abuse to their partners or probably abusing and maltreating their domestic staffs?”


“What can we say about you doing less in performance than others but at the point of rewards, you are always swift and cunny to corner the lion share to your coffers?”

“What can we say about corruption,embezzlement,racketeering, nepotism,favouritism,prostitution and other vices and criminality?”


Without any iota of doubt,our world is a place that believes in suppressing and oppressing others in order for more territories to be cornered, carved and conquered.



Slave trading becomes part of us as long as we allow injustice and inhumanity to prevail and prosper over giving credibility, respect,reference and credence to the essence of humanity.


We should all understand that our society have been able to produce more slaves and more slaves merchants than what is happenning in Libya.Slavery is present all around us and we have been mum and mute about it.The concept of employing house-help and domestic staffs can be referenced as a form of domestic slavery because many of this indigent citizen being used as house-helps are always subjected to inhumaness without anyone raising an eye-lid.


We should control our emotions now and therefore think deeply about how far we have contributed our quota in buliding a society that prosper on class mentality conceptualised in pulling and stripping the dignity of others as a source of personal ego booster that is against the concept of building a virile eggelitarian society having room for building a class-less mentality in all the inhabitants of the society that will ensure that the concept behind the equality of all men is promoted and preserved.


No doubt about it that slave trading is happenning on Africa soil because the African Societies are so weak in their approach in protecting their people against human right abuse.All the realities of bad governance and leadership on the corridor of power in the continent of Africa are fashioned towards pulling down human right of their citizen.



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Many policies are being made today that is anti-masses with its ability to lull and ebbed the economic and purchasing power of the masses thereby creating abject poverty as a tools of keeping the masses down productively which enhances the thought of embarking on a suicide mission and a journey of no-return to the heart of Europe through the desert or through the high sea.


In conclusion, the days of woes of African Society continues until leaders all over the continent of Africa fashion ways and policies that will protect and preserve their teeming citizenry from human right abuse triggered by abject penury that has been the outcome of government policies that has no respect for the average man on the street.



Special thanks to Mr.Ayoade Samuel Fadeyi for his comment on the original post on facebook which was used as the content of Page 2 of this publication.


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