The beginning of a new year is always a moment of overwhelming joy and happiness just as everyone is preparing to raise the crescendos of their high spirit for the in-coming year right now.

Spirituality is always the front burner that many of us rely upon once a new year surfaced.

As 2020 started,many of us were in expectations of many demands in every facet of our life until the strange happenings that made 2020 a special year to remember splashed on our faces.

The pandemic trigger lockdown and the confusion in the land covered the entire human existence.No area of humanity was left untouched by the pandemic.It was a global occurrence that no one can deny the seriousness that it came with.

In the midst of it all,I can say with all confidence,that I and my family were exempted.

As the pandemic was on in the month of April observing fasting and prayer,one of my prayer request is that God should make my habitation a Goshen and when I looked around right now,no single strand of hair fall apart.

No single moment in the hospital.

Our going to the hospital is an addition as a boy was added to us.

No single moment of body pain and headache.While many were gnashing their teeth,crying and murmuring,our have been Thanksgiving and all around praises.

One of the surprises I couldn’t fathom right now is that whenever I want to pray,I always notice that I have no pressing need to ask God for anything but I always maintain a statement that is too simple and strange to me.

“Thank you Jesus” has been my line of prayer because I realised that Thanksgiving covers multitude of prayer request.

In the midst of the year,I had near occurrences of shedding tears considering the numbers of young minds and old minds that fell off in the battle ground of life.I prayed that God will uphold their families and give them the fortitude to stand in this trying moment.

I will not stop this write up without expressing my gratitude to everyone that crossed my path this year.

Some people came as an experience and others came as a lesson but everyone has made a mark in the test of time contributing immensely to my existence in the course of the year.

Ahead of us is the new year,and what is expected of us is the newness that will profess, expect and express in one way or the other.

The only way 2021 can be new is when you and I decide to ensure that we become new in whatever we do in the course of the year.

Instead of quantum of new year resolutions,filled your mind with quantum of new year projection.

To cap it all,I am grateful and appreciative for a time like this.

Happy New year in advance.

Deo Gratias!!!

© Fadeyi FELIX FEMI.

31st of December 2020.

My New Year homily for 2020.


Dear Friends,
As we are all witnessing the reality of a new year which was at a long distance to you in the course of the out-gone year,there have been a deluge of prophecies and prayers that marked the beginning of this new year.


While you may be carried away by the frenzy of the moment whether in the physical or in the spiritual,you need to know that you have embarked on a journey which has started today and it must be noted that you are some moments or hours away from another new year.


As it is the dawn of another epic journey that started few hours ago,it is pertinent for you to know and understand that every successful journey is a product of the usage of guide or the application of information about the journey.


It is written:


“I am the way,the truth and the life”—John 14 verse 16



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The way to any successful journey is knowing someone who has embarked on such journey.


You can have a successful journey when you are in contact with someone who knows the beginning and the end of such journey.


I want you to listen to my appeal that no matter your level of participation in any form of spiritual gathering marking the crossover if 2019 to 2020,if you fail in knowing the way itself which is Jesus Christ,you might encounter confusion that will make your expectations in 2020 to be a forlorn hope.


Jesus  Christ is the way,the truth and the life.


Jesus is what you need for a title of the prophecy you had yesterday to become a reality.


This is what is expected of you in the new year:


1.Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour.


2.Maintain a close relationship with Him.


3.Let the truth–Jesus Christ be your shield and buckler.


4.Maintain prayer and fasting as a lifestyle and a culture.


5.Spread the good-news of salvation as a lifestyle.


6.Abstain from sins and every other forms of distractions.


It is better to start well practically than feigning ignorance about what you are expected to do.


I wish you happy New year.


Remain watchful and prayerful till every limit is broken in your life.


You shall break limit in 2020.


From your friend in Christ.


©Mlst communications 2020.

Do you want a year without a tear?

Ahead of us lies another opportunity of a new year that is filled and pregnant with chances and opportunities of making “the wrong right and making the right to be more right”.


As it is never too late to start putting dot on your “i’s” and crossing your “t’s” as 2019 is gradually rounding up.


It is never too late to start planning and preparing ahead right now.


A Publication is packaged for you ahead of the new year for you to be elevated,motivated and elated to get the best in the new year without sustaining a single tear.


You can have at all simplified for you in a PDF E-book at a token.



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It promised to hit your reading pleasure and delight as the new year start rolling.


Thanks for your anticipated response and support.




©Mlstcommunications 2019.