I caught this line of thought as a form of Insight while I was busy with cable network recently when a particular lad was interviewed concerning her skills and talents in tieing gele–head gear at age 14.

The interview gave his mum and aunt the opportunity to relay what they have done in contributing their quota in making him successful in making something meaningful out of his chosen skill.


At a point,his aunt altered a statement that birthed the rationale behind this write-up.

She said:

“Face your studies first”

It was at this point that I became more sensitive to the interview and I kept asking myself what makes almost every guardian and parent to have this backward mindset that has been acidic and toxic in killing and maiming the morale behind our young generation in giving what it takes to learn and acquire one skill or the other.

Such statement or command has made many young minds to loose interest in what could have been a path to their greatness.


It is better for us in the society to trigger a kind of consciousness in the mind of our young generation that would made them to have deep affinity for vocational trainings and skills acquisition.


This must be carried out in a way whereby our young minds who are interested in learning one skills or the other would be able to stand at par with their counterparts and colleagues who chose the path of academic certification.

In another vein,it is quite wrong for people in our society in this part of the world to thing vocational and skill acquisition is inferior to academics and the conventional form of education that has to do with classroom environment and studies.

With the spate of unemployment in the world,there is an urgent need for our society to accept vocational training and skills acquisition to be of thesame value as the way and manner academic certificates are being referenced accompany with due Laurel that will help in encouraging our young minds in having interest in such area of human endeavour.

Vocational training and skills acquisition could be primary while academic certification and qualification could be secondary, or both can go hand in hand with each other.

The idea by our parents ensuring that academic certification and qualification should be primarily given priority to is quite wrong and it is a form of distraction and deceit that contributed to the malady of unemployment that is eating deep the fabrics of our society.

Just as due reference has been  given to academics certification and qualifications in the present aɠe and time,we should ensure that due reference is given to vocational training and skills acquisition too without one being inferior to another.

I doubt if it will take anything from us if will start having professors of bead making,vulcanising technology, carpentry and welding,brick-laying and soap-making.


I doubt if it will be that difficult for syllabuses and academic curriculum to be designed and developed for all vocational training and skills acquisition the way it has been done for all other academic professions all over the world.

By now, needed vocational skills should have been able to be developed in a manner that it will be easier for all the needed methods and processes will be taught in the classroom just the way every other academic professions are being taught in the classroom.

I believe if our society accept their fate in along this line of thought,a more balanced society will be birthed whereby equality will be the order of the day.


In conclusion, vocational training and skills acquisition should not be stigmatized or look down upon by the society.


Our society needs a bail out from the grip of unemployment now and the only way out is by given credence and credibility to vocational trainings and skills acquisition





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