It should be noted that the realities of the season and that of the Yuletide is fastly and speedily becoming overwhelming with many people preparing in one way or the other to make the season a memorable one accompany with cash flow of customers and consumers in ensuring that basic necessities for the season are provided.

It was vividly observed by me on my way home from office this afternoon seeing the skyrocketed increase in the numbers of patronage of customers and consumers in all the markets that I passed bye.

It was at this point that a practical reality dawn on me about what could have warrant the rationale behind the transaction that is on increase with everyone trooping out en mass to purchase one item or the other despite the economy of my country that is on low ebb for long.

This put a lot of questions on my mind asking myself about the reason behind the sudden availability of cash many people are using to make transaction.

Realities in the bank recently butressed my observation due to the increase in the numbers of transactions and withdrawals that has been on the increase in all automated teller machine point.

Cash dispensing have been on the increase.

This connotes that people are in need of money to make provisions for all their needs in the course of the festive period.

This simply connotes that saving of money will dwindle and faced decline while spending of money will be on the increase,Though,the economy would be a little bit buoyant at this period of the year.

Nothing is actually wrong with this present realities but it will end up as a wrong motive when money withdrawn from individuals account are unnecessarily spent on items we have no plan and provisions for.

This observation remind me of a type of lifestyle many people are guilty of that I got wind of in 2008 while listening to a talk show on a radio station in Lagos while I was on a Night shift.

It was at this point I understand and know what IMPULSE buying connotes.

When you purchased an item that is not planned for in your list or budget,it is called buying on impulse.

Buying on impulse is a kind of purchase made in procuring an item that is not needed and planned for.

It is a kind of buying that is devoid of preparation ,plans and adequate budget.A situation whereby someone bought items and goods that are not included in the list drawn for purchasing in the market could be as a result of buying by impulse.

In thesame vein,it should be noted that to a large extent it is not economical to engage in any transaction that involves in the purchase of one item or the other at this period of the year whereby Christmas is around the corner due to the fact that this period of the year is always marred by greed that is shown in the unreasonable increase of prices of goods and services by this period of the year.

It is of necessity that buyers should be sensitive to the fact that it is not economically healthy to buy goods and services that they don’t have plan for so that money will not end up being wasted .

In the light of this,it is pertinent to put our minds on the ways by which the malady of the rush hour shown in term of impulse buying could be avoided.

Impulse buying could be avoided by:

1.Making plans and preparation

2.Having a list of what is needed and necessary

3.Having a purchase budget and target.

4.Making research on the present realities on the current price of goods and services in the market.

5.Being determined to be frugal or economical in spending.

6.Being disciplined towards spending by avoiding reckless and wasteful spending.

7.Having a target and a limit on your spending.

8.Pausing for few seconds before buying goods in order to think if such a good is necessary or deciding to go for other alternatives which might be cheap.

9.Being conscious and sensitive to the malady of impulse buying.

10.Ensuring that you are not carried away by vagaries and spur of the moment that has to do with buying what other people are buying.

In conclusion,we are aware that Nigeria economy is at a low ebb which made many people to be held down by poverty but seeing many people patronising the market simply connotes that many consumers are spending on credit in other to meet up with societal demand of the moment that placed a demand on everyone to ensure that they possessed new items and good.

Living on credit is not bad in itself but spending such credit on wasteful endeavour is totally bad because it would be uncalled for if you spend all the money at your disposal for Christmas and New Year celebration,and you started wallowing in lack in January 2019.

Don’t be a victim of impulse buying.

It is a malady.

It is an evil.

Guard and guide your spending.

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