The future will be at the mercy of the past when salient issue that reared its ugly head in time past are not addressed and solutions that will curtail the extension of its effect in the present and in the future are not proffered.

This simply  triggers a kind of repetition of what has happened in the past taking control and even affecting what is available in the present and in the future.Hence,a vicious cycle of repetition that seems to be tagged as hereditary and generational in certain school of thoughts becomes visible.

When will leave many issues behind unattended to in the past and think that we are heading towards the present and the future,we will just discovered that we mistakenly bring our past into the present and the future which end up controlling the present and the future but after a while we will discovered and realized that we are still living in the past.

This simply tied people down on a spot without any visible motion and movement that can be viewed as a progression from the past to the present and the future.

Some of this salient and cogent issues often times than none rallies around habits,limitations,weaknesses,fears,challenges and failures that are always in control of the past but at a point when we think we have overcome all these,we surprisingly see it rearing its ugly head suddenly.

This made us to engage in repetitive fight concurrently over these forces that put our progress in clutches,bound and chains for a long period of time.

The battle to overcome these forces are continuous and it will be forever if we fail to take cognizance of their realities in standing as a clog in the wheel of our progress.

No doubt about it,many people that are chronicled in the annals of human history as being successful are those who are able to identify these forces on time and they maximize these forces as a catalyst to bring their success to the limelight.

Anyone that shy away  to admit the control of these forces might without any iota of doubt end up being a victim of their bondage but those who admit these realities might end up mastering them and use them as a tool to force their success to emerge on a platter of gold without any struggle.

It is pertinent to master the forces that pull us apart and pummeled us from obtaining success in order for us not being entangle with vicious cycle of their effect which seems to hold us down in the past even when we believed that we have bid goodbye to the past.

It is until when the negative forces of the past are taken care of and put on hold that we can boast of a present and a future that will launch us into eldorado and will forever be a mecca that will reveal the essence of our existence while on earth.

Certainly,the future is real if we take bold step to gag the past.




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